Hey y'all! I wanted to make a quick little post to let y'all know what I've been up to recently.
Man, April has certainly been quite a month for me. Between some issues with college and various projects with approaching due dates (or ones that have already passed), I've pretty much been kept on my toes. That bein said, I haven't had much time to work on art that I can post to here. I might put some of my practice sketches and doodles up later, but nothing for the portal for now.
I am workin on somethin tho! I will (hopefully) have it done for Pico Day, and once the full video my thing is a part of gets posted, then I'll post mine. That is currently taking up most of my time right now, so once I finish this I should be able to move on to more personal stuff that I can stick up here. I'm planning on learning to use Flash again since it's been what, 4 or 5 years I believe since I last used it? Clip Studio has served me well in the animation department so I haven't looked back to Flash until now, but I think it's about time I got some experience in there too.
Gotta get back to work so that's all for now! Hope y'all have a great rest of your day!